- 113學年第2學期起(預計114年2月1日起聘)1名。
- 114學年第1學期起(預計114年8月1日起聘)1名。
- 具有英美文學、外國語文學、比較文學、或文化研究博士學位。
- 申請者之專長領域可強化或擴充本系現有課程規劃者(如戲劇研究、電影研究、歐洲文學、跨域多元研究、AI與數位人文研究等領域),優先考慮。
- 五年內發表有SSCI、AHCI、TSSCI或THCI Core期刊論文者優先考慮。
- 應徵信函(請述明所具研究專長如何強化本系之課程規劃)。
- 履歷表(含學術專長說明、學經歷、自傳、著作目錄等)。
- 學經歷證件(如具博士後經歷必附)【國外學經歷另須檢附:國外學歷證件、歷年成績單、國外經歷服務證明需向駐外單位辦理驗證並蓋驗證戳記及經駐外館處驗證或國內公證人認證之中文譯本、國外學位送審教師修業情形一覽表(持博士學位者,累計在當地學校修業時間至少須滿16個月;碩士、博士學位同時修習者,累計在當地學校修業時間至少須滿24個月)、歷年入出境紀錄(請逕向內政部移民署申請,申請人為外國人或僑民者免附)】各1份。
- 博士學位論文。
- 學、碩、博士歷年修業成績單影本。
- 最近五年內著作。
- 可開設課程之列表及說明(如教學計畫表)。
- 現職證明影本
- 三封推薦函。
- 具教學經驗者,請提供近五年內教學計畫表與教學評量資料。
- 具助理教授(含以上)證書者,請提供證書影本。
- 其他有利審查資料(如第二外語能力證明)。
- 收件截止日:即日起至113年10月31日(四)。(郵戳日期為憑,逾期恕不受理)
- 收件人:國立東華大學英美語文學系
- 收件地址:974301花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路二段1號 英美語文學系
- 聯絡人:顏余珊小姐,03-8905292,Email:shanshan221@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
Teaching Positions Available at the Department of English, NDHU
Application Deadline: 31 October 2024
- Openings:
- The first appointment begins on 1 February 2025.
- The second appointment begins on 1 August 2025.
- General requirements:
- The successful candidates should have a PhD in English Literature, American Literature, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Comparative Literature, or Cultural Studies.
- Applicants whose areas of expertise can strengthen or expand the current curriculum of the Department (such as in fields like drama studies, film studies, European literature, interdisciplinary studies, or AI and digital humanities) will be given priority consideration.
- Applicants who have published papers in SSCI, AHCI, TSSCI, or THCI Core journals within the past five years will be given priority consideration.
- Application materials:
- Cover letter
- CV
- Academic and professional credentials
- PhD dissertation or PhD thesis
- Copies of academic transcripts for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees
- List of publications from the past five years
- List and description of courses that can be offered (e.g., teaching plans)
- Copy of current employment certificate
- Three letters of recommendation
- Teaching plans and teaching evaluation data from the past five years (for those with teaching experience)
- A copy of the certificate (for those with an assistant professor [or higher] certificate)
- Other supporting documents for review (e.g., proof of proficiency in a second foreign language)
- Application deadline and general information
- Please send the documents in hard copy. If applicants wish to have their materials returned, please include a large self-addressed stamped envelope. Applicants who do not pass the initial screening will not be notified.
- Deadline: Thursday, 31 October 2024
- Recipient: Department of English, National Dong Hwa University
- Address: No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 974301
- Contact: Ms. Joy Yen
- Tel: 886-3-8905292
- Email:shanshan221@gms.ndhu.edu.tw